Leicester Dietetics and Nutrition Service are commissioned to deliver the Eat Better to Start Better programme for Early Years nutriton in the city. Mammas has been keen to be partners in delivering the programme from its outset. Healthy eating starts in infancy with breastfeeding. We want to make sure parents can build on this relationship once their baby moves on to solid foods, and later, through a shared confidence in their child's capacity and desire to be involved in healthy tasty mealtimes.
Big Cook Little Cook is a great way to support healthy eating, and Mammas is very proud to be involved. Parents and young children explore healthy food together through cooking and learning activities. They learn safe and age-appropriate techniques to chop, grate, measure, mix and cook, with emphasis on building their confidence as “kitchen helpers” with independent skills of their own.
Our Big Cook Little Cook five week course is delivered by Natasha Shepherd in various community settings, for small groups of parents and their under 4s. The children have great fun tasting, chopping, mixing, and taking home something they have made to eat for their lunch. Parents also gain an insight into the nutrition messages that underpin the programme – which address portion sizes for all the family, sugar, fat, salt, food labelling and achieving balanced family eating
To book a place on the next course contact Natasha on: 07526314770
In Mammas Kitchen is also run by Natasha, contact her for details of the next course.