Mammas project for charities supporting refugees and migrants
Access to a safe milk supply is essential for babies during emergency situations such as natural disasters, war zones and refugee camps. Protectingbreastfeeding and making sure that formula milk is controlled and distributed appropriately is essential to keeping babies healthy and well nourished in such situations. Mammas works with local charities to provide information on Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies (IYCF-E) by signposting useful resources and guidelines, as well as running workshops which provide opportunities to share ideas and best practice on supporting IYCF-E. The resources on this page offer further information on IYCF-E-why getting it right is so important, the vital role that breastfeeding plays, and practical things that can be done to support IYCF-E.
MAMMAs are involved in several projects to educate and raise awareness for those supporting families with babies.
Safe milk for every baby is a project aimed at charities that are supporting refugees and migrants fleeing war zones. We also have a project that supports food banks and their volunteers in the UK.
Attached is the flyer we sent out to charities to explain a little about what we do.